1.1 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students
1.2 Understand how students learn
1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range
of abilities
Part of the role of the regional PEAC team is to provide professional learning opportunities to assist schools to meet their obligation to provide the necessary teaching and learning adjustments for top end students to achieve optimal educational outcomes (WA Education Department Gifted Policy). Research highlights that strategies used for top end students can enhance the learning outcomes for all students, and engaging in professional learning in this area can have a positive impact across the
whole school.
The PEAC team is able to assist principals and teachers in:
- developing strategies
- aligning resources
- implementing plans to develop policy for top end learners
This support aims to:
- increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning programs for all students
- foster students’ critical and creative thinking skills
- develop educational strategies that secure equity of educational outcomes
- assist with the provision of a challenging and extended curriculum to enable the true abilities of students to emerge, be recognised and be developed.
PEAC offers professional learning that aims to make a noticeable difference to schools and to students, based on the Model of Behaviour Change (Australian Professional Standards for Principals). The style of delivery aligns with the Professional Learning Community model (DuFour) and the Australian Charter for the Professional Learning of Teachers and School Leaders.
Model of Behaviour Change
Gaining Awareness
Gaining an awareness of the needs of top end students and the capabilities of staff to effectively meet the needs of these students and by doing so, develop high expectations and benefits for all students.
Adapted from the Australian Professional Standards for Principals and Leadership Profiles
When undertaking PEAC professional learning, there will be an expectation that schools commit to, and act upon, the ‘Model of Behaviour Change’ to address the needs of the students. This could include mentoring and work shadowing but please note that there are no funds available for relief teachers. This model is intended to be an ongoing process to ensure the implementation of positive
teaching and learning outcomes.
Requests for PEAC professional learning can be made using the PL Brief Form and submitted to PEAC Admin at claire.backhouse@education.wa.edu.au
The new model is intended to cover the following focus areas from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:
GIFT Network
Another aspect of professional learning provided by PEAC teachers is the Great Ideas for Teachers (GIFT) program. These are open to all teachers across the NMER. The sessions address the areas of need as identified by teachers and reflect current research and best practice. The Connect Community also has a large number of resources and provides additional support for teachers, available via the GIFT network.